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Fighting to Protect Your Practice, Your Profession, Your Patients, and YOU!




What Is PharmPAC?

PharmPAC is the political action committee of the Texas Pharmacy Association—with the single focus of supporting TPA’s advocacy efforts on behalf of Texas pharmacy professionals and the patients they serve. PharmPAC supports elected officials and candidates for office who are pharmacy-friendly and support the pharmacy profession.

The continued advancement of pharmacy depends greatly on the political clout of our profession and of TPA.

It takes a well-funded PAC to support the campaigns of pharmacy-friendly candidates and to help build the credibility of your profession as an effective and influential group.


PharmPAC's Goals Include:

  • Support pro-pharmacy, pro-patient officeholders and candidates for public office in Texas.
  • Encourage Texas pharmacy professionals to become more active in state government affairs and the electoral process.
  • Educate Texas pharmacy professionals and others about the political/legislative process and help them understand how government actions affect their practice.

Does My Voice Really Matter?

YES, especially when combined with other pharmacy advocates’ voices! The political process affects you personally every day and has a major impact on your pharmacy career. Government policy affects many areas of pharmacy:

  • Your scope of practice—the procedures, actions, and processes you are permitted to undertake
  • Reimbursement for medications
  • Coverage of, and payment for, services you provide
  • Relationships with your patients
  • Licensing requirements and record-keeping demands
  • Insurance policies, including payers and middlemen
    ...and more!

The stronger our PAC is, the louder your voice will be!


The PharmPAC Pledge

It is critical to have pharmacy-friendly elected officials in state government. Pledge to invest in the future of your profession and help elect individuals who support pharmacy.


PharmPAC Donors

View a list of those who have generously donated to PharmPAC.



PharmPAC Board of Directors

Contact PharmPAC

If you have questions, contact RoxAnn Dominguez, CEO.


PharmPAC is the political action committee of the Texas Pharmacy Association, 3200 Steck Ave., Suite 370, Austin, Texas 78757.  According to Texas Government Code 305.027, the material in this section may be considered "legislative advertising."  Authorization for its publication is made by RoxAnn Dominguez, CEO, Texas Pharmacy Association.

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