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Call for Volunteers

Call for Volunteers 


Your Participation is Powerful!

TPA is a volunteer-led organization, and we seek dedicated individuals to volunteer their time to serve on boards, councils, committees, and (at times) task forces. These entities focus on a variety of issues and events. Volunteering can offer you a very rewarding experience! You’ll have the opportunity to develop leadership skills, acquire experience to add to your résumé, and meet and interact with new colleagues while helping guide TPA activities.


Councils and Committees

TPA's President appoints members to serve on several councils and committees. To be considered for appointment, volunteers must sign up by the deadline (typically in the summer). Every effort will be made to appoint all volunteers. Council and Committee assignments are made each summer.


Association Affairs Council

  • Develops recommendations for the TPA Board of Directors on bylaws, organizational structure, and membership development
  • Provides guidance on education and communication activities
  • Reviews and recommends changes to the current TPA award system, including changes in criteria or creation of new awards, and the process for soliciting nominations from TPA members
  • Reviews nomination forms received and selection of award recipients to be honored at the TPA events

Meeting/call frequency: 2–3 times per year


Public Policy Council

  • Develops recommendations for the TPA Board of Directors on issues related to advocacy and public policy at the state and national level, and recommends public policy position
  • Monitors practice changes and helps to identify issues likely to come before the state legislature or Congress, and provides recommendations for needed statutory changes
  • Reviews and monitors regulatory changes affecting pharmacy, and provides guidance on needed regulatory changes
  • Reviews bills introduced during legislative session, and provides recommendations and guidance

Meeting/call frequency: 2–3 times per year (may be more often during odd-numbered legislative years)


Financial Affairs Council

  • Develops recommendations for the TPA Board of Directors on issues related to financial policies and fund investment policies
  • Reviews and makes recommendations for TPA endorsement of vendors or outside services
  • Identifies new revenue streams and recommends financial and industry partners

Meeting/call frequency: 2 times per year


Nominating Committee

  • Solicits individuals interested in running for the TPA Board of Directors
  • Reviews and make recommendations to criteria and expectations for Board members
  • Interviews qualified Board candidates and determines slate of candidates for each open position
  • Committee members are not eligible for nomination

Meeting/call frequency: 2–3 times per year


Other Boards

Besides the TPA Board, there is also the Texas Pharmacy Foundation Board of Trustees and the Texas Pharmacy Association Political Action Committee (PAC) Board of Directors. These boards work to secure funding for their respective purposes. If you are interested in serving on either the Foundation or PAC Board, please sign up online or email RoxAnn Dominguez and indicate your preference.

The Foundation’s mission is to advance the profession of pharmacy through research and scholarship.

The PAC’s primary focus is to heighten pharmacy’s awareness and increase pharmacy’s influence in the state’s political process.


Volunteer to Serve on a Council or Committee Today:

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