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Technician Training Materials

The Texas Pharmacy Association offers the following pharmacy technician training materials:



PassAssured's Pharmacy Technician Training Program

PassAssured is the most widely-used interactive multimedia technician training on the market!

Designed for high school seniors and up, this extended learning training package offers you a rich multimedia experience packed with all the vital information you need to prepare for the pharmacy technician certification and meet state board of pharmacy criteria.

Created in a working pharmacy, the self-paced program illustrates actual duties of a pharmacy technician from greeting customers to performing basic aseptic techniques. Easy-to-follow animated calculation illustrations clearly demonstrate methods for solving pharmacy math equations.

The lesson plan walks you systematically through every topic required for certification. The extensive test database makes you comfortable with the topics you'll be seeing on the national exam and the realistic practice tests will let you know when you're ready for the real thing.

This interactive program will have you ready to get your certification in less than one year!




TPA Pharmacy Technician Training Documentation Manual

Technician Training Documentation Manual

TPA's Technician Training Documentation Manual will give direction as you train employees and provide a way to document that training. The Texas State Board of Pharmacy (TSBP) requires pharmacies to have a written policy and procedure manual for pharmacy technicians and mandates that each technician on staff has documentation of training. Each manual will cover all technicians per an individual store and can be used to maintain compliance with TSBP.




Pharmacy Certified Technician Training Manual and Calculations Workbook

Technician Training Manual & Calculations Workbook

This package includes the Pharmacy Certified Technician (PCT) Training Manual, 14th edition (2018), and CD-ROM with master drug table, glossary and answer key, as well as the PCT Calculations Workbook, 5th edition (2018), and accompanying CD-ROM that includes all the step-by-step math and problem answers. All are developed by the Michigan Pharmacists Association, one of the four founders of the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB). The books prepare technicians for the national certification exam .




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